Token upgrade complete
Apr 23, 2023


Token upgrade complete

Token upgrade complete and successfully moved from “BSC” to “Polygon”. All token holders automaticly started receiving tokens on they wallets based on a snapshop created Mar-27–2023 12:12:06 PM +UTC. Please allow also few days to update the metadata on all the platforms.

New Contract: 0x5d705f967E40300fd54Eb1a7A278b761039Da993 and token symbol is $WarpBeam

Old Contract: 0xe45FF7CD0483B607a1599DeD97554C9D012E4e83 deprecated and not accepted to any exchange. Do not Trade it. It’s a history symbol is $WBM



WarpBeam — Space to everyone - Next generation Social based Community SatTV ecosystem Full ecosystem including social engagement, real user content, NFT